Homework 1

3 minute read

Submission date: April 14th, 2019


  • Working with data in PyTorch
  • Dataset splits
  • Cross validation
  • PyTorch tensors and broadcasting
  • Linear SVM
  • Optimizing loss functions with SGD
  • Linear Regression with nonlinear features


The assignment code is available here.

We recommend you use git to clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/vistalab-technion/cs236605-hw1.git

This will allow you to pull updates from us in the event that they are needed.


2019-03-29 [433a729]
Updated the environment.yml so that it specifies a specific version of the torchvision package. Some students got a newer version which caused issues in part 3.

After pulling the update, run conda env update from within the hw1 directory to update your conda environment to use the correct version.


Make sure to read the getting started page before getting started.

Q: Will this assignment require use of course servers?
A: No. This assignment does not involve very heavy or long-running computations.
