Lecture 6: Unsupervised learning and generative models

70 minute read

The only training regime we have seen so far for deep neural models was supervised: the network was given a set of example instances and trained so to minimize a discrepancy between the output produced by the network and the corresponding desired outputs. The latter outputs could be either class labels in classification problems, or some continuous scalars or vectors in regression problems. In what follows, we extend our machine learning arsenal to the unsupervised setting, in which only example instances and no example outputs are provided. The goal of unsupervised learning is to discover and model the structure of the instance space. One of the most useful applications of such models is to generate new examples of instances.


One of the most powerful ideas that humans have invented to model nature is that of parsimony. The most famous statement of this heurisitc is attribuited to the Franciscan friar William of Ockham, who suggested that when presented with two competing hypothetical answers to a problem, one should select the one that makes the fewest assumptions. In the realm of data science, Ockham’s razor can be translated to the assertion that many types of data such as signals and images despite being naturally embedded in a very high dimensional space, possess a much smaller number of degrees of freedom. For example, the space of all $255 \times 255$ $8$-bit images theoretically admits about $10^{157826}$ distinct instances, the overwhelming majority of which do not look like a natural image. It can therefore be posited that natural images can be described as a low-dimensional manifold embedded into the $65536$-dimensional space. Techniques for discovering this manifold (or, in the probabilistic setting, a probability distribution supported on a low-dimensional manifold) are called dimensionality reduction.

Deep learning offers a formidable tool for dimensionality reduction in the form of autoencoders. An autoencoder can be viewed as a composition of two neural networks, and encoder $\Phi : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathcal{Z}$ and a decoder $\Psi : \mathcal{Z} \rightarrow \mathcal{X}$. Given an instance $\bb{x} \in \mathcal{X}$, the encoder produces a code vector $\bb{z} = \Phi(\bb{x})$ called a latent representation (the space $\mathcal{Z}$ of such representations is called the latent space). The role of the decoder is to reproduce an instance from its encoding, $\bb{x} = \Psi(\bb{z})$.

Ideally, an autoencoder should be such that the concatenaton of the encoder with the decoder results in an identity transformation, $\Psi \circ \Phi \approx \mathrm{id}$. As long as the dimension of the latent space $\mathcal{Z}$ is lower than that of the instance space $\mathcal{X}$, $\Psi \circ \Phi$ cannot be a trivial identity map and has to actually reveal the hidden (and, potentially, very non-trivial) degrees of freedom in the data. The combination of a dimensionality-reducing encoder followed by a dimensionality-increasing encoder forces the data to pass through a bottleneck. Both networks are trained on example instances minimizing

\[\min _{ \bb{\alpha}, \bb{\beta} } \sum _{i} D( \bb{x} _i , \Psi _{\bb{\alpha}'}( \Phi _{\bb{\alpha}}( \bb{x} _i )) ),\]

where $\bb{\alpha}$ and $\bb{\beta}$ are the parameters of the encoder and the decoder, respectively, and $D$ is some useful distance on $\mathcal{X}$, e.g., $D(\bb{x},\bb{x}’) = | \bb{x} - \bb{x}’ | _2^2$. As we will see in the sequel, the choice of this distance has a crucial importance.

The minimization of a loss of the form $| \bb{x} - \Psi _{\bb{\alpha}’}( \Phi _{\bb{\alpha}}( \bb{x} )) |^2$ might seem as a regression problem; in regression as well, we seek some (often parsimonious) parameteric model of the map between the instance space and the label space. Here, however, the label space is equal to the input space, and we restrict the regressor to contain a bottleneck. By minimizing the above loss, the encoder tries to extract only those features of the data that allow its most faithful reconstruction, thus creating a low-dimensional model thereof.

Convolutional autoencoder

CNN architecture are often used in autoencoders. Typically, an encoder is a CNN that uses strided convolutions (or pooling) to gradually reduce the signal dimension toward the bottleneck. One or more fully connected layers may also be used before the output layer, which produces the encoding in the latent space. A decoder can be thought of as a transposed version of the encoder, in which the dimensionality gradually increases toward the output. Though the decoder does not necessarily need to match the same dimensions (in reversed order) of the encoder’s intermediate layers, such symmetric architectures are very frequent. In what follows, we remind the working of a convolutional layer and describe how to formally transpose it.

Convolutional layer

Recall that a convolutional layer accepts an $m$-dimensional vector-valued (infinitely supported) signal $\bb{x} = (\bb{x}^1,\dots, \bb{x}^m) = { (x _i^1,\dots, x _i^m) } _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$, each input dimension of which is called a channel or feature map. The layer produces an $n$-dimensional (infinitely supported) signal $\bb{y} = (\bb{y}^1,\dots, \bb{y}^n) = { (y _i^1,\dots, y _i^n) } _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$ by applying a bank of filters, potentially retaining only every $d$-th output sample (a fact known as striding),

\[\bb{y}^j = \downarrow _{d} \left( \sum _{i=1}^m \bb{w}^{ij} \ast \bb{x}^{i} \right) ,\]

where $\downarrow _d$ denotes striding (a.k.a. compression or down-sampling), $(\downarrow _d \bb{x} ) _{k} = \bb{x} _{dk}$. Obviously, a bias and an element-wise non-linear activation are applied to $\bb{y}$.

Explicitly, the action of the convolutional layer can be written as

\[y^j _k = \sum _{i=1}^m \sum _{p} w^{ij} _p x^i _{dk-p}.\]

Typically, each filter $w^{ij}$ is supported on some small fixed domain. Though we think of the signal $\bb{x}$ as of a function of a one-dimensional “time” index $n \in \mathbb{Z}$, the same notation is perfectly valid for images; in the latter case, time indices become higher-dimensional multi-indices such as $\bb{n} \in \mathbb{Z}^2$.

In the case of finitely-supported time signals that can be represented as vectors $\bb{x}^1\dots,\bb{x}^m \in \mathbb{R}^M$, the action of a convolutional layer with $d=1$ can be described as

\[\bb{y}^j = \bb{W}^{1j} \bb{x}^1 + \cdots + \bb{W}^{mj} \bb{x}^m,\]

where each $\bb{W}^{ij}$ is an $M \times M$ Toeplitz (diagonal-constant) matrix (a block-Toeplitz matrix in the case of images). $d$-strided convolution has the same form, but now $\bb{W}^{ij}$ are $\frac{M}{d} \times M$ obtained by retaining every $d$-th row from the original Toeplitz matrix. Denoting the striding (sub-sampling) by the matrix $\bb{S} _d$, we obtain

\[\begin{aligned} \bb{y}^1 &=& \bb{S} _d \bb{W}^{11} \bb{x}^1 + \cdots + \bb{S} _d \bb{W}^{m1} \bb{x}^m \nonumber\\ \vdots & & \vdots \nonumber\\ \bb{y}^n &=& \bb{S} _d \bb{W}^{1n} \bb{x}^1 + \cdots + \bb{S} _d \bb{W}^{mn} \bb{x}^m.\end{aligned}\]

Transposed convolutional layer

A transposed convolutional layer (often incorrectly referred to as “deconvolutional” in the literature) can be thought of as a formal adjoint operator1 of the above linear operator.

We will denote the input by the $m$-dimensional vector-valued signal $\bb{y} = (\bb{y}^1,\dots, \bb{y}^n) = { (y _i^1,\dots, y _i^n) } _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$, and the output by the $n$-dimensional signal $\bb{x} = (\bb{x}^1,\dots, \bb{x}^m) = { (x _i^1,\dots, x _i^m) } _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$. The linear part of the layer’s action is expressed by the formal tranposition of the action of the convolutional layer,

\[\begin{aligned} \bb{x}^1 &=& \overline{\bb{W}}^{11} \bb{S} _d^\Tr \bb{y}^1 + \cdots + \overline{\bb{W}}^{1n} \bb{S} _d^\Tr \bb{y}^n \nonumber\\ \vdots & & \vdots \nonumber\\ \bb{x}^m &=& \overline{\bb{W}}^{m1} \bb{S} _d^\Tr \bb{y}^1 + \cdots + \overline{\bb{W}}^{mn} \bb{S} _d^\Tr \bb{y}^n,\end{aligned}\]

where $\overline{\bb{W}}^{ij} = (\bb{W}^{ij})^\Tr$ is the Toeplitz matrix formed by the mirrored filter $\overline{w}^{ij} _k = w^{ij} _{-k}$, and $\bb{S} _d^\Tr$ is a $d$-upsampling (a.k.a. expansion or dilation) operation,

\[(\uparrow _d y) _k = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} y _{k/d} & \mathrm{if}\, k \in d \bb{Z}; \\ 0 & \mathrm{else}. \end{array} \right.\]

Note that since the order of $\bb{S} _d$ and $\bb{W}^{ij}$ is reversed after transposition, the input signal $\bb{y}$ is first up-sampled and then convolved with the mirrored filters. The (linear) action of the transposed convolutional layer can be therefore summarized as

\[\bb{x}^i = \sum _{j=1}^n \overline{\bb{w}}^{ij} \ast \left( \uparrow _{d} \bb{y}^{j} \right) .\]

Note that despite superficial similarity, this is not dilated convolution! While transposed strided convolution is $\overline{\bb{w}} \ast (\uparrow _d \bb{y} )$, dilated convolution is $(\uparrow _d \bb{w} ) \ast \bb{y}$.

It is important to note that while in terms of dimensionality the transposed convolutional layer is an inverse of the convolutional layer, it is the adjoint and not the inverse of the latter (this is why the term “deconvolution” is inappropriate here). Since convolutional and transposed convolutional layers of a convolutional autoencoder are parametrized independently, the weights of the transposed layer in the decoder need not match those of its counterpart in the encoder.

Pooling and unpooling

As an alternative to striding, CNN architectures sometimes use pooling to reduce the output dimensionality and obtain invariance properties. A $d$-pooling layer takes a sequence ${x _i} _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$ as the input and produces a new sequence ${y _i} _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$ as the output replacing non-overlapping windows of size $d$ in its input, $(x _{di},\dots,x _{(d+1)i-1})$, with a scalar $y _i$. For example, average pooling produces

\[(x _{di},\dots,x _{(d+1)i-1}) \mapsto y _i = \frac{1}{d} \sum _{j=0}^{d-1} x _{di + j}\]

in which each output sample is the average of the samples in the corresponding input window2. Similarly, max pooling is the window-wise maximum of the input,

\[(x _{di},\dots,x _{(d+1)i-1}) \mapsto y _i = \max \{ x _{di}, x _{di+1}, \dots, x _{(d+1)i -1} \}.\]

In order to perform backpropagation, max pooling keeps the index of the selected maximum,

\[k^\ast _i = \mathrm{arg}\max _{j \in \{ 0,\dots,d-1 \} } x _{di+j}.\]

When the input is vector-valued (i.e., has multiple channels), pooling is applied channel-wise. When the input is multidimensional (e..g, an image), the pooling window is created as an appropriate Cartesian product.

The transposed version of the pooling layer (referred to as unpooling in the literature) can be used in the decoder network. A $d$-unpooling layer takes an input sequence ${y _i} _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$ and produces the output sequence ${x _i} _{i \in \mathbb{Z}}$, such that each sample $y _{i}$ in the input corresponds to a non-overlapping window $(x _{di},\dots,x _{(d+1)i-1})$ in the output. Average unpooling can be seen as the map

\[y _i \mapsto \left( \frac{y _i}{d}, \dots, \frac{y _i}{d} \right).\]

Max unpooling, on the other hand, is the map

\[y _i \mapsto \bb{e} _{k^\ast _i},\]

where $\bb{e} _k$ is the $k$-th standard basis vector of $\mathbb{R}^d$ containing $1$ at $k$-th coordinate and zeros elsewhere, and $k _i^\ast$ is the index kept by the corresponding max pooling counterpart.

Variational autoencoders

While regular autoencoders can produce very intricate data models, it is still unclear how to generate new instances from the model. The distribution of the latent variable $\bb{z}$ produced by the encoder can be very complicated, and sampling from it may result impractical. A very popular variant of autoencoders combines this type of neural networks with variational Bayesian methods. In what follows, we will revisit our problem from this perspective and see how this reformulation leads to the variational autoencoder (VAE).


Let us start from looking at the generative (decoder) part of the model from a probabilistic perspective. The latent variable $\bb{Z}$ is a random vector distributed according to some prior distribution $p(\bb{Z})$. The instance $\bb{X}$ is a random vector over $\mathcal{X}$ and is described by the probability distribution $p(\bb{X} | \bb{Z})$ conditioned on $\bb{Z}$. In the Bayesian jargon, this conditional probability is known as the likelihood. Note that in this formulation, given a specific realization of the latent variable, $\bb{Z}=\bb{z}$, the output of the encoder is still a stochastic quantity distributed according to $p(\bb{X} | \bb{z})$. It is customary to set $p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{X} | \bb{z}) = \mathcal{N}( \Psi _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{z}) , \sigma^2 \bb{I} )$, where $\Psi _{\bb{\beta}}$ is a deterministic map between the latent space and the instance space (in practice, our encoder network), and $\sigma$ is a fixed hyper-parameter. This allows $p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{X} | \bb{Z})$ to be computable and continuous in its parameters $\bb{\beta}$.

Since any distribution can be mapped into any other distribution by a sufficiently complicated map, we can fix the prior distribution to be normal, $p(\bb{Z}) = \mathcal{N}(\bb{0},\bb{I})$. We can now generate new instances by drawing $\bb{z}$ at random from the multivariate normal distribution, calculating the mean vector $\Psi _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{z})$, and then drawing an $\bb{x}$ instance from $\mathcal{N}( \Psi _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{z}) , \sigma^2 \bb{I} )$.


The inference (encoder) part of the model aims at inferring the latent variable given the observed instance, which in the Bayesian language amounts to calculating the posterior

\[p(\bb{Z}|\bb{X}) = \frac{p(\bb{X}|\bb{Z}) p(\bb{Z}) }{p(\bb{X})}.\]

The denominator expresses the probability distribution on the instance space, known as the evidence in the Bayesian terminology. While it has a simple expression due to the total probability formula,

\[p(\bb{X}) = \int p(\bb{X}|\bb{z}) p(\bb{z}) d\bb{z},\]

However, the latter integral is intractable in practice, since its accurate approximation in a relatively high-dimensional latent space mapping to a complicated instance distributiuon would require an enormously large sample.

The main idea of VAEs is to approximate the posterior with a parametric family of distributions, $q(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})$. A typical choice is, again, normal $q(\bb{Z} | \bb{x}) \sim \mathcal{N}( \bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}), \bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) )$, where the mean and covariance parameters of the distribution are produced by the encoder neural network parametrized by $\bb{\alpha}$. In practice, $\bb{\Sigma}$ is constrained to be a diagonal matrix, so $q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{x}) \sim \mathcal{N}( \bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}), \mathrm{diag}{ \bb{\sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) } )$.

Evidence lower bound

In order to ensure that the variational posterior $q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})$ approximates well the true posterior $p(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})$, we can measure the Kullback-Leibler divergence3

\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\right.\right) &=& \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim q _{\bb{\alpha}} }( \log q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{z} | \bb{X}) - \log p(\bb{z} | \bb{X}) ) \\ &=& \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim q _{\bb{\alpha}} }( \log q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{z} | \bb{X}) - \log p(\bb{X} | \bb{z}) - \log p(\bb{z}) ) + \log p(\bb{X});\end{aligned}\]

note that $\log p(\bb{X})$ is outside the expectation since it does not depend on $\bb{z}$. This expression can be rewritten as

\[\log p(\bb{X}) - \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\right.\right) = \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim q _{\bb{\alpha}} }( \log p(\bb{X} | \bb{z}) ) - \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{Z} )\right.\right)\]

Note that while we still cannot evaluate the left-hand-side second term (because of the $p(\bb{X})$ appearing in the KL divergence), we observe that $\mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\,\left|\, p(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\right.\right)$ is non-negative and small if the model $q _{\bb{\alpha}}$ is rich enough. We can therefore express the following lower bound on the log evidence

\[\log p(\bb{X}) \ge \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim q _{\bb{\alpha}} }( \log p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{X} | \bb{z}) ) - \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{X})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{Z} )\right.\right).\]

Loss function

Recall that $P(\bb{x})$ expresses the probability of a given instance $\bb{x}$ under the entire generative process. Since we aim at maximizing the probability of each instance, our goal is to minimize the following loss function:

\[L =-\mathbb{E} _{\bb{x}} \log P(\bb{x}) \le \mathbb{E} _{\bb{x}} \left( \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim q _{\bb{\alpha}} }( -\log p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{x} | \bb{z}) ) + \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{x})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{Z} )\right.\right) \right).\]

With some abuse of notation, we will refer to the latter upper bound as our target loss function. Taking the gradient w.r.t. the parameters $\bb{\alpha},\bb{\beta}$ allows to move the gradient operator under the expectation

\[\nabla _{\bb{\alpha},\bb{\beta}} L = \mathbb{E} _{\bb{x}} \left( \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim q _{\bb{\alpha}} }( \nabla _{\bb{\alpha},\bb{\beta}} (-\log p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{x} | \bb{z}) )) + \nabla _{\bb{\alpha},\bb{\beta}} \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{x})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{Z} )\right.\right) \right).\]

Using stochastic gradient, we can sample a single value $\bb{x}$ of $\bb{X}$ from the training set, sample a single value $\bb{z}$ of $\bb{Z}$ from the distribution $q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{Z} | \bb{x})$, and compute the gradient of a point loss term

\[\begin{aligned} \ell &=& -\log p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{x} | \bb{z}) + \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{z} | \bb{x})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{z} )\right.\right) \\ &=& \frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\| \bb{x}- \Psi _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{z}) \| _2^2 + \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{z} | \bb{x})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{z} )\right.\right).\end{aligned}\]

First, we observe that the second term of the loss has a simple closed-form expression of the KL divergence between Gaussian distributions,

\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{z} | \bb{x})\,\left\|\, p(\bb{z} )\right.\right) &=& \mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left(\mathcal{N}( \bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}), \bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) )\,\left\|\, \mathcal{N}(\bb{0},\bb{I})\right.\right) \\ &=& \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathrm{tr}\,\bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) + \|\bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x})\|^2 _2 - k - \log\det \bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) \right),\end{aligned}\]

where $k$ denotes the dimension of the latent space. This term can be viewed as a regularization added to the loss.

The first term is trickier. Note that in the original loss function it depended both on $\bb{\beta}$ (parametrizing $p(\bb{x} | \bb{z})$) as well as $\bb{\alpha}$ (since $\bb{z}$ was drawn from $q _{\bb{\alpha}}$); the dependence on $\bb{\alpha}$ somehow evaporated when computing the gradient. The network works fine as long as the output is averaged over many samples, producing a correct expected value; however, when computing the gradient, we need to backpropagate through a layer that samples $\bb{z}$ from $q _{\bb{\alpha}}$ which is not even continuous and thus has no gradient. While being able to handle stochastic inputs, stochastic gradient cannot handle stochastic operations within the network. To overcome this problem, the sampling is moved to the input layer. Given the mean and the covariance, $\bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}), \bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x})$ of $q _{\bb{\alpha}}$, we can sample from $\mathcal{N}( \bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}), \bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) )$ by first sampling $\bb{u}$ from $\mathcal{N}(\bb{0},\bb{I})$ (independent of $\bb{\alpha}$) and then computing the deterministic transformation $\bb{z} = \bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) + \bb{\Sigma}^{\frac{1}{2}} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) \bb{u}$. After this reparametrization trick, the loss term becomes the following tractable expression:

\[\mathbb{E} _{\bb{u} \sim \mathcal{N}(\bb{0},\bb{I})} \, \frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\left\| \bb{x}- \Psi _{\bb{\beta}}\left( \bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) + \bb{\Sigma}^{\frac{1}{2}} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) \bb{u} \right) \right\| _2^2.\]

To summarize, the VAE is trained by minimizing the following point loss function using stochastic gradient descent:

\[\ell = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}\left\| \bb{x}- \Psi _{\bb{\beta}}\left( \bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) + \bb{\Sigma}^{\frac{1}{2}} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) \bb{u} \right) \right\| _2^2 + \mathrm{tr}\,\bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x}) + \|\bb{\mu} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x})\|^2 _2 - k - \log\det \bb{\Sigma} _{\bb{\alpha}}(\bb{x})\]

with $\bb{u}$ drawn from the normal distribution and $\bb{x}$ is drawn from the training data. The first term can be thought of as a data fitting term like in regression, demanding that the encoder-decoder combination is nearly an identity map. The second term applies regularization on the output of the encoder in the latent space. The hyper-parameter $\sigma^2$ governs the relative strength of the two terms. The smaller is $\sigma^2$, the less randomness is allowed in the decoder mapping from $\mathcal{Z}$ to $\mathcal{X}$, and, consequently, the regression term dominates over the regularization term.

Generative adversarial networks

One of the consequences of using the $\ell _2$ loss in the training of an autoencoder is the so-called regression to the mean problem, which explains why generative models trained with this loss tend to produce blurred results. An powerful alternative consists of allowing the loss function to train together with the generative model in an adversarial manner. Let $\Psi _{\bb{\beta}} : \mathcal{Z} \rightarrow \mathcal{X}$ be a generative model (decoder network) taking an input $\bb{z} \in p(\bb{Z})$ and mapping it to the space of instances. As the result, the generated instances admit a distribution $p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{X})$, which might be different from the true data distribution $p(\bb{X})$.

We also define another network $\Delta _{\bb{\theta}} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow [0,1]$ taking an instance and returning the probability that it is coming from the data rather than from $p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{X})$. The discriminator $\Delta _{\bb{\theta}}$ is trained to maximize the correct label assigned to both the real data coming from $p(\bb{X})$ and generated data coming from $p _{\bb{\beta}}(\bb{X})$, i.e., it should distinguish as clearly as possible between instances coming from the real data ($\Delta _{\bb{\theta}} \approx 1$) and the “fake” generated distribution (ideally, $\Delta _{\bb{\theta}} \approx 0$). The generator $\Psi _{\bb{\beta}}$ is simultaneously trained to minimize $\log (1-\Delta _{\bb{\theta}}(\Psi _{\bb{\beta}} (\bb{z}) ))$, that is, to “fool” the discriminator and cause it to misclassify as big a fraction of generated instances as possible. The training can be expressed as the following two-player min-max game:

\[\min _{\bb{\beta}} \max _{\bb{\theta}} \, \mathbb{E} _{\bb{x} \sim p(\bb{X}) } \log \Delta _{\bb{\theta}}(\bb{x}) \, + \, \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim p(\bb{Z}) } \log (1-\Delta _{\bb{\theta}}(\Psi _{\bb{\beta}} (\bb{z}) )).\]

The idea of adversarial training can be applied to training AEs and VAEs as well.

We can interpret the maximum,

\[L({\bb{\beta}}) = \max _{\bb{\theta}} \, \mathbb{E} _{\bb{x} \sim p(\bb{X}) } \log \Delta _{\bb{\theta}}(\bb{x}) \, + \, \mathbb{E} _{\bb{z} \sim p(\bb{Z}) } \log (1-\Delta _{\bb{\theta}}(\Psi _{\bb{\beta}} (\bb{z}) )),\]

as the loss function minimized during the training of the generator. However, note that for every choice of its parameters, we will be minimizing a different loss, since $\bb{\theta}$ will change as well.

  1. Let $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$ be some spaces equipped with appropriate inner products. Let $\mathcal{A} : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathcal{Y}$ and $\mathcal{B} : \mathcal{Y} \rightarrow \mathcal{X}$ two operators. The operator $\mathcal{B}$ is called the adjoint of $\mathcal{A}$, denoted as $\mathcal{B} = \mathcal{A}^\ast$, if for every $\bb{x} \in \mathcal{X}$ and $\bb{y} \in \mathcal{Y}$, $\langle \mathcal{A} \bb{x} , \bb{y} \rangle _{\mathcal{Y}} = \langle \bb{x}, \mathcal{B} \bb{y} \rangle _{\mathcal{X}}$. Though $\mathcal{A}^\ast$ is a map from the co-domain of $\mathcal{A}$ to its domain, it is not an inverse of $\mathcal{A}$, which may not even be invertible! The adjoint matches the inverse only in the case of unitary operators (a generalized notion of rotation). 

  2. In this notation, we assumed the window to be causal, which is a typical choice for time signals. For images, the window is typically symmetric about $i$. 

  3. The KL divergence is an (asymmetric) distance between distributions defined as \(\mathcal{D} _{\mathrm{KL}}\left((\,\left\|\, Q\right.\right)||P) = \mathbb{E} _{z \sim Q}( \log Q(z) - \log P(z)).\)