Welcome to CS236781

Welcome to CS236781: Deep Learning on Computational Accelerators!

This semester, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the course will be given virtually.

The course site contains all the necessary materials for self-study. Specifically, you can find videos of all the lectures and tutorials from the previous semesters organised in the respective sections of the site. In addition, we have lecture notes, presentation slides and supplementary material also available on the site.

Please consult the info page for the syllabus and additional course information. The syllabus should also be used as “schedule” for watching course videos.

In the first lecture of the course, Prof. Alex Bronstein will present the course, policies and guidelines over a Zoom meeting. In addition, Aviv will give office hours via Zoom meetings to discuss the tutorial materials or homework assignments. In the coming days we’ll publish further guidelines.

We wish you good luck and a productive semester.
Course staff
