Homework 3

3 minute read

Submission date: June 4th 11th, 2020


  • Sequence models for text generation
  • Image generation with a Variational Autoencoder
  • Generative adversarial networks


The assignment code is no longer available.


Make sure to read the getting started page and the guide for using course servers.

Q: What is the checkpoint_file_final for?
A: You can use this to create your final submission with result images from your best-trained model. Just train with checkpoints enabled, and when you get results that your happy with rename the checkpoint file with _final. You don’t need to submit the checkpoint files (the main.py script will ignore them).

Q: How can we run long training blocks in the notebooks without running them interactively in jupyter-lab (e.g. from command line on the server)?
A: The easiest way is to simply copy the block (and relevant import statements) into a new python script and run that (with srun/sbatch on the server). Another way is to convert the whole notebook to a python script, for example:

jupyter nbconvert Part1_Sequence.ipynb --to python

And then run it with ipython within srun or sbatch, for example:

srun -c 2 --gres=gpu:1 ipython Part1_Sequence.py
