Tutorial 1: Python, numpy
and friends 🐍
Environment setup, jupyter, python and numpy basics
All tutorial materials are available from the course tutorials repo. We recommend cloning this repo and pulling updates from it if you want to run the notebooks yourself.
Additionally, the tutorial notebooks can be viewed in your browser by using nbviewer.
and friends 🐍
Environment setup, jupyter, python and numpy basics
Supervised learning context, binary and multiclass logistic regression
MLPs, convolutional layers, loss functions and optimization in PyTorch
Overfitting and regularization, dropout, batch normalization, learning rate decay, momentum, adaptive optimizers, training practices.
Convolutional and pooling layers, architectures, spatial classification, residual nets.
Word representations, vanilla RNNs, GRUs, LSTM, attention.
Autoencoders: denoising, deep and variational, generative adversarial networks.
Unsupervised vs. supervised approach, approximate labels, AutoDIAL.
Numba, CUDA programming model, writing CUDA kernels in python.
Number representation, pruning, bottlenecks, quantization.