Tutorial 0: Python and PyTorch basics
Environment setup, jupyter, python, tensor basics with PyTorch
Zoom link for Tamir’s tutorials
Zoom link for Moshe’s tutorials
All tutorial materials will be available on this page.
The tutorial notebooks can be obtained by cloning the course tutorials repo, or viewed in your browser by using nbviewer.
Environment setup, jupyter, python, tensor basics with PyTorch
Supervised learning framework, binary and multiclass logistic regression, pytorch and autograd basics
Writing the first deep learning model (Multi layer perceptron), non-linearities etc
Convolutional and pooling layers, architectures, spatial classification, residual nets.
Gradient decent variants
Pytorch AutoDiff mechanism
Object Detection, Performance Metrics, R-CNN and YOLO families.
RNNs, LSTMs and GRUs
This tutorial is not given this semester