Lecture 4: Random signals

80 minute read

Elementary probability

Probability measure

We start with a few elementary (and simplified) definitions from the theory of probability. Let us fix a sample space $\Omega = [0,1]$. A Borel set on $\Omega$ is a set that can be formed from open intervals of the form $(a,b), 0 \le a<b \le 1$, through the operations of countable union, countable intersection, and set difference. We will denote the collection of all Borel sets in $\Omega$ as $\Sigma$. It is pretty straightforward to show that $\Sigma$ contains the empty set, is closed under complement, and is closed under countable union. Such a set is known as $\sigma$-algebra and its elements (subsets of $\mathbb{R}$) are referred to as events.

A probability measure $P$ on $\Sigma$ is a function $P : \Sigma \rightarrow [0,1]$ satisfying $P(\emptyset) = 0$, $P(\mathbb{R}) = 1$ and additivity for every countable collection ${ E _n \in \Sigma }$,

\[P\left( \bigcup _n E _n \right) = \sum _{n} P(E _n).\]

Random variables

A random variable $\mathpzc{X}$ is a measurable map $\mathpzc{X} : \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, i.e., a function such that for every $a$, ${ \mathpzc{X} \le a } = { \alpha : \mathpzc{X}(\alpha) \le a } \in \Sigma$. The map $\mathpzc{X}$ pushes forward the probability measure $P$; the pushforward measure $\mathpzc{X} _\ast P$ is given by

\[(\mathpzc{X} _\ast P)(A) = P(\mathpzc{X}^{-1}(A)),\]

where $\mathpzc{X}^{-1}(A) = { \alpha : X(\alpha) \in A }$ is the preimage of $A \subseteq \mathbb{R}$. (In short, we can write $\mathpzc{X} _\ast P = P\mathpzc{X}^{-1}$). This pushforward probability measure $\mathpzc{X} _\ast P$ is usually referred to as the probability distribution (or the law) of $\mathpzc{X}$.

When the range of $\mathpzc{X}$ is finite or countably infinite, the random variable is called discrete and its distribution can be described by the probability mass function (PMF):

\[f _{\mathpzc{X}}(x) = P(\mathpzc{X}=x),\]

which is a shorthand for $P( {\alpha : \mathpzc{X}(\alpha) = x } )$. Otherwise, $\mathpzc{X}$ is called a continuous random variable. Any random variable can be described by the cumulative distribution function (CDF)

\[F _{\mathpzc{X}}(x) = P({\mathpzc{X} \le x}),\]

which is a shorthand for $F _{\mathpzc{X}}(x) = P( {\alpha : \mathpzc{X}(\alpha) \le x } )$. If $X$ is absolutely continuous, the CDF can be described by the integral

\[F _{\mathpzc{X}}(x) = \int _{-\infty}^x f _{\mathpzc{X}}(x') dx',\]

where the integrand $f _{\mathpzc{X}}$ is known as the probability density function (PDF)1.

Uniform distribution and uniformization

A random variable $\mathpzc(U)$ is said to be uniformly distributed on $[0,1]$ (denoted as $\mathpzc{U} \sim \mathcal{U}[0,1]$) if

\[P(\mathpzc{U} \in [a,b]) = b-a = \lambda([a,b]).\]

In other words, the map $\mathpzc{U}$ pushes forward the standard Lebesgue measure on $[0,1]$, $\mathpzc{U} _\ast P = \lambda$. The corresponding CDF is $F _\mathpzc{U}(u) = \max{ 0, \min{ 1, u } }$. Let $\mathpzc{X}$ be some other random variable characterized by the CDF $F _\mathpzc{X}$. We define $\mathpzc{U} = F _\mathpzc{X}(\mathpzc{X})$. Let us pick an arbitrary $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and let $u = F _\mathpzc{X}(x) \in [0,1]$. From monotonicity of the CDF, it follows that $\mathpzc{U} \le u$ if and only if $\mathpzc{X} \le x$. Hence, $F _\mathpzc{U}(u) = P(\mathpzc{U} \le u) = P(\mathpzc{X} \le x) = F _\mathpzc{X}(x) = u$. We conclude that by transforming a random variable with its own CDF uniformizes it on the interval $[0,1]$.

Applying the relation in inverse direction, let $\mathpzc{U} \sim \mathcal{U}[0,1]$ and let $F$ be a valid CDF. Then, the random variable $\mathpzc{X} = F^{-1}(\mathpzc{U})$ is distributed with the CDF $F _\mathpzc{U} = F$.


The expected value (a.k.a. the expectation or mean) of a random variable $\mathpzc{X}$ is given by

\[\mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X} = \int _{\mathbb{R}} \mathrm{id}\, d(\mathpzc{X} _\ast P) = \int _{\Omega} \mathpzc{X}(\alpha) d\alpha,\]

where the integral is the Lebesgue integral w.r.t. the measure $P$; whenever a probability density function exists, the latter can be written as

\[\mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X} = \int _{\mathbb{R}} x f _{\mathpzc{X}}(x) dx.\]

Note that due to the linearity of integration, the expectation operator $\mathbb{E}$ is linear. Using the Lebesgue integral notation, we can write for $E \in \Sigma$

\[P(E) = \int _E dP = \int _\mathbb{R} \ind _E \, dP = \mathbb{E} \ind _E,\]


\[\ind _E(\alpha) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & : & \alpha \in E \\ 0 & : & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\]

is the indicator function of $E$, which is by itself a random variable. This relates the expectation of the indicator of an event to its probability.


For any measurable function $g : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, $\mathpzc{Z} = g(\mathpzc{X})$ is also a random variable with the expectation

\[\mathbb{E} \mathpzc{Z} = \mathbb{E} g(\mathpzc{X}) = \int _{\mathbb{R}} g\, dP = \int _{\mathbb{R}} g(x) f _{\mathpzc{X}}(x) dx.\]

Such an expectation is called a moment of $\mathpzc{X}$. Particularly, the $k$-th order moment is obtained by setting $g(x) = x^k$,

\[\mu _{k}(\mathpzc{X}) = \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X}^k.\]

The expected value itself is the first-order moment of $\mathpzc{X}$, which is often denoted simply as $\mu _\mathpzc{X} = \mu _{1}(\mathpzc{X})$. The central $k$-th order moment is obtained by setting $g(x) = (x - \mu _\mathpzc{X})^k$,

\[m _{k}(\mathpzc{X}) = \mathbb{E} ( \mathpzc{X} - \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X})^k.\]

A particularly important central second-order moment is the variance

\[\sigma _\mathpzc{X}^2 = \mathrm{Var}\, \mathpzc{X} = m _2 = \mathbb{E} ( \mathpzc{X} - \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X})^2 = \mu _2 ( \mathpzc{X} ) - \mu^2 _\mathpzc{X}.\]

Joint distribution

A vector $\mathpzcb{X} = (\mathpzc{X} _1, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n)$ of random variables is called a random vector. Its probability distribution is defined as before as the pushforward measure $P = \mathpzcb{X} _\ast \lambda$ Its is customary to treat $\mathpzcb{X}$ as a collection of $n$ random variables and define their joint CDF as

\[F _{\mathpzcb{X}}(\bb{x}) = P({\mathpzcb{X} \le \bb{x}}) = P(\mathpzc{X} _1 \le x _1, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n \le x _n) = P(\{ \mathpzc{X} _1 \le x _1 \} \times \dots \times \{ \mathpzc{X} _n \le x _n \}).\]

As before, whenever the following holds

\[F _{\mathpzcb{X}}(\bb{x}) = \int _{-\infty}^{x _1} \cdots \int _{-\infty}^{x _n} f _{\mathpzcb{X}}(x _1',\dots, x _n') dx' _1 \cdots dx' _n,\]

the integrand $f _{\mathpzcb{X}}$ is called the joint PDF of $\mathpzcb{X}$. The more rigorous definition as the Radon-Nikodym derivative

\[f _{\mathpzcb{X}} = \frac{d(\mathpzc{X} _\ast P) }{ d\lambda}\]

stays unaltered, only that now $\lambda$ is the $n$-dimensional Lebesgue measure.

Marginal distribution

Note that the joint CDF of the sub-vector $(\mathpzc{X} _2, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n)$ is given by

\[\begin{aligned} F _{\mathpzc{X} _2, \cdots, \mathpzc{X} _n } (x _2,\dots,x _n) =& P(\mathpzc{X} _2 \le x _2, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n \le x _n) = P(\mathpzc{X} _1 \le \infty, \mathpzc{X} _2 \le x _2, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n \le x _n) \\ =& F _{\mathpzc{X} _1, \cdots, \mathpzc{X} _n } (\infty, x _2,\dots,x _n).\end{aligned}\]

Such a distribiution is called marginal w.r.t. $\mathpzc{X} _1$ and the process of obtaining it by substituting $x _1 = \infty$ into $F _{\mathpzcb{X}}$ is called marginalization. The corresponding action in terms of the PDF consists of integration over $x _1$,

\[\begin{aligned} f _{\mathpzc{X} _2, \cdots, \mathpzc{X} _n } (x _2,\dots,x _n) =& \int _\mathbb{R} f _{\mathpzc{X} _1, \cdots, \mathpzc{X} _n } (x _1, x _2,\dots,x _n) dx _1.\end{aligned}\]

Statistical independence

A set $\mathpzc{X} _1, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n$ of random variables is called statistically independent if their joint CDF is coordinate-separable, i.e., can be written as the following tensor product

\[F _{\mathpzc{X} _1, \cdots, \mathpzc{X} _n} = F _{\mathpzc{X} _1} \otimes \cdots \otimes F _{\mathpzc{X} _n}.\]

An alternative definion can be given in terms of the PDF (whenever it exists):

\[f _{\mathpzc{X} _1, \cdots, \mathpzc{X} _n} = f _{\mathpzc{X} _1} \otimes \cdots \otimes f _{\mathpzc{X} _n}.\]

We will see a few additional alternative definitions in the sequel.

Convolution theorem

Let $\mathpzc{X}$ and $\mathpzc{Y}$ be statistically-independent random variables with a PDF and let $\mathpzc{Z} = \mathpzc{X}+\mathpzc{Y}$. Then,

\[\begin{aligned} F _\mathpzc{Z}(z) =& P(\mathpzc{Z} \le z) = P(X+Y \le z) = \int _{\mathbb{R}} \int _{\infty}^{z-y} f _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}}(x,y) dxdy \\ =& \int _{\mathbb{R}} \int _{\infty}^{z} f _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}}(x'-y,y) dx' dy,\end{aligned}\]

where we changed the variable $x$ to $x’ = x+y$. Differentiating w.r.t. $z$ yields

\[\begin{aligned} f _\mathpzc{Z}(z) =& \frac{dF _\mathpzc{Z}(z)}{dz} = \int _{\mathbb{R}} \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \int _{\infty}^{z} f _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}}(x'-y,y) dx' dy = \int _{\mathbb{R}} f _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}}(z-y,y) dy.\end{aligned}\]

Since $\mathpzc{X}$ and $\mathpzc{Y}$ are statistically-independent, we can substitute $f _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} = f _{\mathpzc{X}} \otimes f _{\mathpzc{Y}}$ yielding

\[\begin{aligned} f _\mathpzc{Z}(z) =& \int _{\mathbb{R}} f _{\mathpzc{X}}(z-y) f _{\mathpzc{Y}}(y) dy = (f _{\mathpzc{X}} \ast f _{\mathpzc{Y}} )(z).\end{aligned}\]

Limit theorems

Given independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) variables $\mathpzc{X} _1, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n$ with mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$, we define their sample average as

\[\mathpzc{S} _n = \frac{1}{n}( \mathpzc{X} _1 + \cdots + \mathpzc{X} _n ).\]

Note that $\mathpzc{S} _n$ is also a random variable with $\mu _{\mathpzc{S} _n} = \mu$ and $\displaystyle{\sigma^2 _{\mathpzc{S} _n} = \frac{\sigma^2}{n}}$. It is straightforward to see that the variance decays to zero in the limit $n \rightarrow \infty$, meaning that $\mathpzc{S} _n$ approaches a deterministic variable $\mathpzc{S} = \mu$. However, a much stronger result exists: the (strong) law of large numbers states that in the limit $n \rightarrow \infty$, the sample average converges in probability to the expected value, i.e.,

\[P\left( \lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \mathpzc{S} _n = \mu \right) = 1.\]

This fact is often denoted as $\mathpzc{S} _n \mathop{\rightarrow}^P \mu$. Furthermore, defining the normalized deviation from the limit $\mathpzc{D} _n = \sqrt{n}(\mathpzc{S} _n - \mu)$, the central limit theorem states that $\mathpzc{D} _n$ converges in distribution to $\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$, that is, its CDF converges pointwise to that of the normal distribution. This is often denoted as $\mathpzc{D} _n \mathop{\rightarrow}^D \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$.

A slightly more general result is known as the delta method in statistics: if $g : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a $\mathcal{C}^1$ function with non-vanishing derivative, then by the Taylor theorem,

\[g(\mathpzc{S} _n) = g(\mu) + g'(\nu)(\mathpzc{S} _n-\mu) + \mathcal{O}(| \mathpzc{S} _n-\mu |^2),\]

where $\nu$ lies between $\mathpzc{S} _n$ and $\mu$. Since by the law of large numbers $\mathpzc{S} _n \mathop{\rightarrow}^P \mu$, we also have $\nu \mathop{\rightarrow}^P \mu$; since $g’$ is continuous, $g’(\nu) \mathop{\rightarrow}^P g’(\mu)$. Rearranging the terms and multiplying by $\sqrt{n}$ yields

\[\sqrt{n}( g(\mathpzc{S} _n) - g(\mu) ) = g'(\nu) \sqrt{n}( \mathpzc{S} _n) - \mu ) = g'(\nu) \mathpzc{D} _n,\]

from where (formally, by invoking the Slutsky theorem):

\[\sqrt{n}( g(\mathpzc{S} _n) - g(\mu) ) \mathop{\rightarrow}^D \mathcal{N}(0,g^{\prime} (\mu)^2 \sigma^2).\]

Joint moments

Given a measurable function $\bb{g} : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m$, a (joint) moment of a random vector $\mathpzcb{X} = (\mathpzc{X} _1, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n)$ is

\[\mathbb{E} \bb{g}(\mathpzcb{X}) = \int \bb{g}(\bb{x}) dP = \left(\begin{array}{c} \int g _1(\bb{x}) dP \\ \vdots \\ \int g _m(\bb{x}) dP \end{array} \right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} \int _{\mathbb{R}^n} g _1(\bb{x}) f _{\mathpzcb{X}}(\bb{x}) d\bb{x} \\ \vdots \\ \int _{\mathbb{R}^n} g _m(\bb{x}) f _{\mathpzcb{X}}(\bb{x}) d\bb{x} \end{array} \right);\]

the last term migh be undefined if the PDF does not exist. The mean of a random vector is simply $\bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} = \mathbb{E} \mathpzcb{X}$. Of particular importance are the second-order joint moments of pairs of random variables,

\[r _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} = \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}\]

and its central version

\[\sigma^2 _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} = \mathrm{Cov}(\mathpzc{X},\mathpzc{Y}) = \mathbb{E} \left( (\mathpzc{X} - \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X} )(\mathpzc{Y} - \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{Y}) \right) = r _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} - \mu _\mathpzc{X} \mu _\mathpzc{Y}.\]

The latter quantity is known as the covariance of $\mathpzc{X}$ and $\mathpzc{Y}$.

Two random variables $\mathpzc{X}$ and $\mathpzc{Y}$ with $r _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} = 0$ are called orthogonal2

The variables with $\sigma^2 _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} = 0$ are called uncorrelated. Note that for a statistically independent pair $(\mathpzc{X},\mathpzc{Y})$,

\[\begin{aligned} \sigma^2 _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} =& \int _{\mathbb{R}^2} (x-\mu _\mathpzc{X}) (y-\mu _\mathpzc{Y}) d((\mathpzc{X} \times \mathpzc{Y}) _\ast P) = \int _{\mathbb{R}} (x-\mu _\mathpzc{X}) d(\mathpzc{X} _\ast P) \, \int _{\mathbb{R}} (y-\mu _\mathpzc{Y}) d(\mathpzc{Y} _\ast P) \\ =& \mathbb{E} (\mathpzc{X} - \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X} ) \cdot \mathbb{E} (\mathpzc{Y} - \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{Y}) = 0.\end{aligned}\]

However, the converse is not true, i.e., lack of correlation does not generally imply statistical independence (with the notable exception of normal variables). If $\mathpzc{X}$ and $\mathpzc{Y}$ are uncorrelated and furthermore one of them is zero-mean, then they are also orthogonal (and the other way around).

In general, the correlation matrix of a random vector $\mathpzcb{X} = (\mathpzc{X} _1, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n)$ is given by

\[\bb{R} _{\mathpzcb{X}} = \mathbb{E} \mathpzcb{X} \mathpzcb{X}^\Tr;\]

its $(i,j)$-th element is $(\bb{R} _{\mathpzcb{X}}) _{ij} = \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{X} _i \mathpzc{X} _j$. Similarly, the covariance matrix is defined as the central counterpart of the above moment,

\[\bb{C} _{\mathpzcb{X}} = \mathbb{E} (\mathpzcb{X} - \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} ) (\mathpzcb{X} - \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} )^\Tr;\]

its $(i,j)$-th element is $(\bb{C} _{\mathpzcb{X}}) _{ij} =\mathrm{Cov}( \mathpzc{X} _i , \mathpzc{X} _j)$. Given another random vector $\mathpzcb{Y} = (\mathpzc{Y} _1, \dots, \mathpzc{Y} _m)$, the cross-correlation and cross-covariance matrices are defined as $\bb{R} _{\mathpzcb{X}\mathpzcb{Y}} = \mathbb{E} \mathpzcb{X} \mathpzcb{Y}^\Tr$ and $\bb{C} _{\mathpzcb{X}\mathpzcb{Y}} = \mathbb{E} (\mathpzcb{X} - \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} ) (\mathpzcb{Y} - \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{Y} )^\Tr$, respectively.

Linear transformations

Let $\mathpzcb{X} = (\mathpzc{X} _1, \dots, \mathpzc{X} _n)$ be an $n$-dimensional random vector, $\bb{A}$ and $m \times n$ deterministic matrix, and $\bb{b}$ and $m$-dimensional deterministic vector. We define a random vector $\mathpzcb{Y} = \bb{A} \mathpzcb{X} + \bb{b} $ as the affine transformation of $\mathpzcb{X}$. Using linearity of the expectation operator, it is straightforward to show that

\[\begin{aligned} \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{Y} =& \mathbb{E}(\bb{A} \mathpzcb{X} + \bb{b}) = \bb{A} \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} + \bb{b} \\ \bb{C} _\mathpzcb{Y} =& \mathbb{E}(\bb{A} \mathpzcb{X} - \bb{A} \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} ) (\bb{A} \mathpzcb{X} - \bb{A} \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} )^\Tr = \bb{A} \bb{C} _\mathpzcb{X} \bb{A}^\Tr \\ \bb{C} _{\mathpzcb{X} \mathpzcb{Y}} =& \mathbb{E}(\mathpzcb{X} - \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} ) (\bb{A} \mathpzcb{X} - \bb{A} \bb{\mu} _\mathpzcb{X} )^\Tr = \bb{C} _\mathpzcb{X} \bb{A}^\Tr.\end{aligned}\]

Random signals

A random signal or a stochastic process is a collection of random variables ${ \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}) : \bb{x} \in D }$ indexed by some set $D$ (called the domain) and assuming values in some space $S$ (called the state space). For our purpose, we will assume $D$ to be either $\mathbb{R}^d$ (in this case we will refer to the process as to a continuous-domain stochastic process) or $\mathbb{Z}^d$ (discrete-domain process); the state space $D$ will be assumed either $\mathbb{R}$ (continuous state) or $\mathbb{Z}$ (discrete state). Informally, setting $D=\mathbb{R}^2$ and $S=\mathbb{R}$ we can think of $\mathpzc{F}$ as of a random image. When $d>1$, it is customary to call the stochastic process a random field. We will henceforth use the term “random signal”. In what follows, we will almost always tacitly assume $D$ to be $\mathbb{R}^d$; the very same reasoning applies to discrete-domain signals mutatis mutandis.

Formally, a random signal $\mathpzc{F}$ is a function $\mathpzc{F} : D \times \Omega \rightarrow S$, where $\Omega$ denotes the sample space. The first argument $\bb{x} \in D$ in $\mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}, \alpha)$ sets the location in the domain, while the second argument $\alpha \in \Omega$ is responsible for the randomness. Fixing some $\alpha \in \Omega$, the resulting deterministic function $f(\bb{x}) = \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}, \alpha)$ is called a realization or a sample function of $\mathpzc{F}$. Fixing some $\bb{x} \in D$, we obtain a random variable $\mathpzc{F}(\alpha) = \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}, \alpha)$ describing the randomness of the signal sampled at a fixed location $\bb{x}$. Note that for a singletone $D = {1}$, the signal is just a random variable, while for a finite $D = {1,2,\dots,n}$ it is a random vector. Random signals can be therefore thought of as a generalization of random vectors to “random functions”. However, in such an infinitely-dimensional case it is not easy to define the standard notions such as density. Instead, we are going to sample the signal at a set of points ${ \bb{x} _1,\dots,\bb{x} _n } \subset D$ and describe the distribution of the random vector $\mathpzcb{F} = (\mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _1),\dots, \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _n))$. We will define the finite-dimensional CDF as

\[F _{\bb{x} _1,\dots,\bb{x} _n}(f _1,\dots,f _n) = P(\mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _1) \le f _1, \dots, \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _n) \le f _n).\]


A random signal is said (strict sense) stationary (SSS), if its probability distribution is shift-invariant. In other words, if for any $n$, any ${ \bb{x} _1,\dots,\bb{x} _n } \subset D$, and any $\bb{p} \in D$, $(\mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _1+\bb{p}),\dots, \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _n+\bb{p}))$ has the same distribution as $(\mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _1),\dots, \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _n))$, then $\mathpzc{F}$ is SSS.

Auto-correlation and cross-correlation

Moments of random signals can be defined by considering random vectors obtained from sampling the signal at some set of locations. Of particular importance will be the following first- and second-order moments: the mean function

\[\mu _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x}) = \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}))\]

and the auto-correlation function

\[R _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2) = \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _1) \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _2).\]

Given two random signals $\mathpzc{F}$ and $\mathpzc{G}$, we can similarly define their cross-correlation as

\[R _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}}(\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2) = \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} _1) \mathpzc{G}(\bb{x} _2).\]

It follows from definition that $R _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2) = R _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _2,\bb{x} _1)$ and $R _{\mathpzc{G}\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2) = R _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}}(\bb{x} _2,\bb{x} _1)$. Two random signals are said to be orthogonal if their covariance function vanishes at every point.

Wide-sense stationarity

A random signal $\mathpzc{F}$ is called wide-sense stationary (WSS) if its mean and auto-correlation functions are shift-invariant, i.e., for every $\bb{p} \in D$ $\mu _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} + \bb{p}) = \mu _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x})$ for every $\bb{x} \in D$, and $R _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _1 + \bb{p},\bb{x} _2 + \bb{p}) = R _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2)$ for every $\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2 \in D$. These conditions immediately translate to demanding $\mu _{\mathpzc{F}} = \mathrm{const}$ and $R _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2) = R _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{x} _1 - \bb{x} _2)$. Two WSS random signals $\mathpzc{F}$ and $\mathpzc{G}$ are called jointly WSS if their cross-correlation is shift-invariant, i.e., $R _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}}(\bb{x} _1,\bb{x} _2) = R _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}}(\bb{x} _1 - \bb{x} _2)$.

Power spectrum density

We start our discussion with the more familiar domain of deterministic signals. In the signal processing jargon, the energy of a deterministic signal $f$ is defined as

\[E = \| f \|^2 _{L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)} = \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} | f(\bb{x})|^2 d\bb{x}.\]

Due to Parseval’s identity,

\[E = \| \mathcal{F} f \|^2 _{L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)} = \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} | F(\bb{\xi})|^2 d\bb{\xi}\]

(the same is true mutatis mutandis for discrete-domain signals). We can therefore think of $| F(\bb{\xi})|^2$ as of the energy density of $f$ per unit of frequency.

When the signal has infinite energy, we can still define its average power by windowing the signal and normalizing its energy within the window by the volume of the latter,

\[W = \lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{T^d} \int _{[-\frac{T}{2},\frac{T}{2}]^d} | f(\bb{x})|^2 d\bb{x} =\lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \left\| \frac{1}{T^\frac{d}{2}} \, \mathrm{rect} _T \cdot f \right\|^2 _{L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)}\]

where $\mathrm{rect} _T(\bb{x}) = \mathrm{rect}(\bb{x}/T)$. Defining the windowed Fourier transform

\[F _T(\bb{\xi}) = \frac{1}{T^\frac{d}{2}} \, \mathcal{F}\left( \mathrm{rect} _T \cdot f \right)\]

and invoking Parseval’s identity, we have

\[W = \lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \| F _T(\bb{\xi}) \|^2 _{L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)} = \lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} | F _T(\bb{\xi}) |^2 d\bb{\xi}.\]

$\lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} |F _T(\bb{\xi})|^2$ can be interpreted as the density of power per unit of frequency and is often referred to as the power spectral density (PSD).

The same reasoning can be repeated for WSS random processes. While a random process $\mathpzc{F}$ has infinite energy, it generally has finite average power and one can define the PSD as

\[\begin{aligned} S _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{\xi}) =& \lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{T^\frac{d}{2}} \, \mathbb{E} \left|\mathcal{F}\left( \mathrm{rect} _T \cdot \mathpzc{F} \right) \right|^2 \\ =& \lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{T^d} \, \mathbb{E} \left( \int _{[-\frac{T}{2},\frac{T}{2}]^d} f(\bb{x}) e^{+2\pi \ii \, \bb{\xi}^\Tr \bb{x} } d\bb{x} \int _{[-\frac{T}{2},\frac{T}{2}]^d} f(\bb{x}') e^{-2\pi \ii \, \bb{\xi}^\Tr \bb{x}' } d\bb{x}' \right) \\ =& \lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{T^d} \int _{[-\frac{T}{2},\frac{T}{2}]^{2d}} \mathbb{E} f(\bb{x})f(\bb{x}') \, e^{-2\pi \ii \, \bb{\xi}^\Tr (\bb{x}-\bb{x}') } d\bb{x} d\bb{x}'.\end{aligned}\]

Changing the integration variable $\bb{x}’$ to $\bb{y} = \bb{x}-\bb{x}’$, one obtains the following result known as the Wiener-Khinchin theorem:

\[\begin{aligned} {S _{\mathpzc{F}} = \mathcal{F} R _{\mathpzc{F}}}\end{aligned}\]

This is a profound conclusion relating the PSD of a random signal to the Fourier transform of its auto-correlation.

Since $R _{\mathpzc{F}}$ is an even function (i.e., invariant to space mirroring), $S _{\mathpzc{F}}$ is real-valued. However, it is also easy to show that $S _{\mathpzc{F}} \ge 0$. This stems from the fact that the auto-correlation is positive semi-definite and, in case of wide-sense stationarity, it is diagonalized by the Fourier transform; hence the its spectrum is non-negative.

Cross-spectral density

The result can be generalized to a pair of jointly WSS random signals $\mathpzc{F}$ and $\mathpzc{G}$. We define the cross-spectal density as

\[S _{\mathpzc{F}}(\bb{\xi}) = \lim _{T \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{T^\frac{d}{2}} \, \mathbb{E} \left( \mathcal{F}\left( \mathrm{rect} _T \cdot \mathpzc{F} \right) )^\ast \mathcal{F}\left( \mathrm{rect} _T \cdot \mathpzc{G} \right) \right).\]

The Wiener-Kinchin theorem states

\[\begin{aligned} {S _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}} = \mathcal{F} R _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}}}\end{aligned}\]

where the cross-correlation is defined as $R _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}} (\bb{x}) = \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{F}(\bb{0}) \mathpzc{G}(\bb{x})$.

LSI systems

Let $\mathpzc{F}$ be a WSS signal passing through a linear shift-invariant system $\mathcal{H}$ with the impulse reponse $h$. We define the output signal as $\mathpzc{G} = h \ast \mathpzc{F}$. Straightforwardly, the mean function of $\mathpzc{G}$ is given by

\[\begin{aligned} \mu _{\mathpzc{G}}(\bb{x}) =& \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{G}(\bb{x}) = \mathbb{E} \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} - \bb{x}') d\bb{x}' = \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \mu _\mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} - \bb{x}') d\bb{x}' \\ =& \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') d\bb{x}' \, \mu _\mathpzc{F} = H(\bb{0}) \mu _\mathpzc{F},\end{aligned}\]

where $H(\bb{0})$ is usually called the DC response of $\mathcal{H}$. Note that the mean function is constant.

The auto-correlation function of $\mathpzc{G}$ is given by

\[\begin{aligned} R _{\mathpzc{G}}(\bb{x},\bb{x}-\bb{y}) =& \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{G}(\bb{x}) \mathpzc{G}(\bb{x}+\bb{y}) \\ =& \mathbb{E} \left( \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} - \bb{x}') d\bb{x}' \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}'') \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}-\bb{y} - \bb{x}'') d\bb{x}'' \right) \\ =& \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}'') \left( \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \, \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x} - \bb{x}') \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}-\bb{y} - \bb{x}'') d\bb{x}' \right) d\bb{x}'' \\ =& \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}'') \left( \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \, R _\mathpzc{F} (\bb{y} + \bb{x}'' - \bb{x}') d\bb{x}' \right) d\bb{x}'' \\ =& \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}'') (h \ast R _\mathpzc{F}) (\bb{y} + \bb{x}'') d\bb{x}'' = \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} \overline{h}(\bb{y}'') (h \ast R _\mathpzc{F}) (\bb{y} - \bb{y}'') d\bb{y}'' \\ =& (h \ast R _\mathpzc{F} \ast \overline{h})(\bb{y}),\end{aligned}\]

where $ \overline{h}(\bb{x}) = h(-\bb{x})$. Note that the auto-correlation function is shift-invariant (i.e., it does not depend on $\bb{x}$). These two results imply that $\mathpzc{Y}$ is WSS (not surprising: a signal with shift-invariant moments passing through a shift-invariant system leads to a signal with shift-invariant moments).

The input-output cross-correlation is given by

\[\begin{aligned} R _{\mathcal{F}\mathpzc{G}}(\bb{x},\bb{x}-\bb{y}) =& \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}) \mathpzc{G}(\bb{x}-\bb{y}) \\ =& \mathbb{E} \left( \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}) \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}-\bb{y} - \bb{x}') d\bb{x}' \right) \\ =& \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \, \mathbb{E} \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}) \mathpzc{F}(\bb{x}-\bb{y} - \bb{x}') d\bb{x}' \\ =& \int _{\mathbb{R}^d} h(\bb{x}') \, R _\mathpzc{F}(\bb{y} + \bb{x}') d\bb{x}' = (\bar{h} \ast R _\mathpzc{F})(\bb{y}).\end{aligned}\]

Again note that the function is shift-invariant, implying that $\mathpzc{F}$ and $\mathpzc{G}$ are jointly WSS. Clearly, since $R _{\mathcal{G}\mathpzc{F}} = \overline{R} _{\mathcal{F}\mathpzc{G}} = {h} \ast \overline{R} _\mathpzc{F} = {h} \ast {R} _\mathpzc{F}$.

Translating the latter expressions to the frequency domain, we obtain the following relations

\[\begin{aligned} R _{\mathpzc{G}} = h \ast R _{\mathpzc{F}} \ast \overline{h} & \,\, \fff \,\, & S _{\mathpzc{G}} = |H|^2 \cdot S _{\mathpzc{F}} \\ R _{\mathpzc{F} \mathpzc{G}} = \overline{h} \ast R _{\mathpzc{F}} & \,\, \fff \,\,& S _{\mathpzc{F}\mathpzc{G}} = H^\ast \cdot S _{\mathpzc{F}} \\ R _{\mathpzc{G} \mathpzc{H}} = {h} \ast R _{\mathpzc{F}} & \,\, \fff \,\,& S _{\mathpzc{G}\mathpzc{F}} = H \cdot S _{\mathpzc{F}} \end{aligned}\]

Compare this to linear transformations of random vectors.

White and colored noise

A random signal $\mathpzc{N}$ with constant PSD, $S _{\mathpzc{N}}(\bb{\xi}) = \sigma _\mathpzc{N}^2$ is usually called white noise, by analogy with white light that has approximately flat spectrum3. Its auto-correlation is given by $R _{\mathpzc{N}}(\bb{x}) = \sigma _\mathpzc{N}^2 \, \delta$. When white noise passes through an LSI system $\mathcal{H}$, the spectrum at the output, $S _{\mathcal{H}\mathpzc{N}}(\bb{\xi}) = |H(\bb{\xi})|^2 \sigma _\mathpzc{N}^2$, is shaped by the power response $|H(\bb{\xi})|^2$ of the system. This phenomenon is called as coloring. The auto-correlation function of colored noise is given by $R _{\mathcal{H}\mathpzc{N}} = \sigma _\mathpzc{N}^2 \, h \ast \delta \ast \overline{h} = \sigma _\mathpzc{N}^2 \, h \ast \overline{h}$.

  1. To be completely rigorous, the proper way to define the PDF is by first equipping the image of the map $\mathpzc{X}$ with the Lebesgue measure $\lambda$ that assigns to every interval $[a,b]$ its length $b-a$. Then, we invoke the Radon-Nikodym theorem saying that if $\mathpzc{X}$ is absolutely continuous w.r.t. $\lambda$, there exists a measurable function $f : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow [0,\infty)$ such that for every measurable $A \subset \mathbb{R}$, $\displaystyle{(\mathpzc{X} _\ast P)(A) =P(\mathpzc{X}^{-1}(A)) = \int _A f d\lambda}$. $f$ is called the Radon-Nikodym derivative and denoted by $\displaystyle{f = \frac{d(\mathpzc{X} _\ast P)}{d\lambda}} $. It is exactly our PDF. 

  2. In fact, $r _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}}$ can be viewed as an inner product on the space of random variables. This creates a geometry isomorphic to the standard Euclidean metric in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Using this construction, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality immediately follows: $| r _{\mathpzc{X}\mathpzc{Y}} | \le \sigma _\mathpzc{X} \sigma _\mathpzc{Y}$. 

  3. This appears to be false when color perception is examined more closely!