Recent Updates

HW2 grades

The grades of the second assignment are available here.

Fixes to HW2

Thanks to a comment by a student, we have noticed a small error in the second assingment. Thus a few adjustments have been made to questions 3-5 in the dry p...

HW2 and project deadlines postponed

The due date of final project has been changed to the 17th of March. HW2 may be submitted by that date as well. Those who will submit it by the original date...

Report example

Per popular demand, we have uploaded an example for a commendable report from last year. It can be found in the following link.

GPU allocation

Students who plan to run their project code on GPU should send an email to Omer containing both partners’ names and campus emails ASAP. Accounts will be crea...

Tutorial 12

Tutorial 12 has been uploaded to the tutorial repository.

HW1 grades

The grades of the first assignment are available here. Pay attention to the grading policy in the second sheet.